Our REG CF Offering is now live. Become a part of Mcqueen labs inc. here

How it Works

Discover. Invest. Share Investing in luxury assets has never been easier.

Our Offering
Our Offering

MCQ Markets is empowering you to build generational wealth and high-value asset portfolios through the power of fractional ownership.

Helping you break into markets previously reserved for the wealthiest investors.

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Create an Account

Create your account to get access and browse the MCQ Markets investment opportunities and offerings.

Browse our Marketplace

After signup you'll have access to all assets available on our platform. Buy, Build, and Creating your furture.

Buy Exclusive Assets

Each share is initially valued at $20 and the minimum investment is $500 (25 shares) per asset.

Liquidate Investment

Upon reaching their investment term, assets will aim to be sold either through auction or private transaction.

Own the dream. Share the journey.

We believe that investing in iconic assets is not just about owning a piece of luxury—it's about becoming part of a shared experience.  When you own a fraction of a masterpiece, you're not just acquiring an asset; you're joining a community of passionate enthusiasts who appreciate the significance of these assets.

Why it Works

Fractional Ownership. Endless Possibilities.

Fractional ownership makes it possible to participate in rare investment opportunities that were once reserved for the one percent. For us, it's about dismantling barriers and creating accessibility to high-value assets, for everyone.

By owning factionalized shares, more people can now get access to luxury assets, providing a way to diversify your portfolio beyond traditional investments.

Safe & Secure
Easy & Accessible
Creates Liquidity
Shared Costs